Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1961 Potluck pals

The three photos below, from the 1961 Sheyenne yearbook, show some of the participants in Valley High's "potlucks."

From the 1961 Sheyenne: "This smiling potluck appears to be having an informal gab session. On the floor are Colleen Bryngelson, Barbara Sunde, and Kay Lende. In the back: Eileen Quisberg, Sharon Guertin, Marleen Miller, Shirley Undem, and Mary Ann Musch."

"Seated are: Jean Hill, Sandra Voorhees, Sandra Meyer, and Grace Norgaard. Standing: Georgia Stephenson, Joy Senne, Mary Beth Torguson, Mary Ellen Koch, and Bonnie Cruff."

"This potluck is composed of Diane Sauer, Rhea DeLaBarre, Bonnie Van Enk, Margaret Peterson, Marilyn Vandestreek, Dawn Maasjo, Beth Carlisle, Barbara Sheppard, and LouVay Ruemler. They gather around the piano to try to match their notes to what Kay Holcomb is playing."

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