Thursday, May 13, 2010

Party Time!

From the 1961 Sheyenne yearbook: "The party is in full swing. Kenny Baribeau, David Johnson, Tom Kahler (right) and Connie Hill seem to be absorbed in their card game, while Georgia Stephenson and Mary Ellen Koch (right) sample some of the refreshments. 'Food, food, I love food," sings Mary Ellen, while Georgia thinks to herself, 'oh, no, that kid is sick!'"


colleen said...

IT looks like everyone is having fun!

barbsheppard said...

Looks to me like the boys were happier playing cards than mixing with the girls . . . .that's about the way it was, most of the time. But, hey, the girls managed to have a great deal of fun - there could be an entire book written about that old thing called "slumber parties", where there was very little slumber and a whole lot of serious "pertinent information" as "gossip" was called in the late 1800's.!