Saturday, June 5, 2010

Help us find these classmates

Our chair, Barb (Sheppard) Lang, has sent out regular mail and emails to the following list of classmates, but isn't hearing anything and we're getting both kinds of mail returned. If you know the contact info for any of our classmates on the list below, their email and/or regular address, please send it to Barb (Sheppard) Lang at this email address Or, contact the individual and ask that he or she contact Barb. Thanks!  (Ron Morsch has found a number of those who were on this list, thanks, Ron!) We're still looking for these four:

Mike Kane
Gerry Holm
, last known in Field, British Columbia I - College High

Ida Mae McCready Rice -- College High -- totally lost -
Eddy Weeks - last known Center, ND - VCHS

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