Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Here's a "memory jogging" list from our Junior High era!

Do you remember that our 8th grade class was divided into THREE SECTIONS?  Why?  Were there "Home Room" teachers assigned for each section?

Our classmate, Beth (Carlisle) Anderson, found the Valley City Junior High 8th Grade Class List, dated September 7th, 1956, amongst her old childhood memories scrapbooks/boxes. This "roster" is posted below. She doesn't recall how she came by the list, and doesn't know who might have made the various markings it bears, other than to note that the "dots" in front of some names indicate the boys in the class!

Beth guesses that this was a list that belonged to one of the teachers, and, perhaps, the teacher loaned it to Beth for some particular assignment, and then it was never returned. (I can tell you for certain that the addition of Eddie Weeks' name in Section 8-1 was NOT in Beth's handwriting!) We'd love to have your comments and memories about this artifact. I think that Mr. Campbell, who was the Principal of the Junior High, was also a section leader - or was he a part-time instructor as well as being Principal? I also remember the name of Mr. Forness. (LG note: I can still see Mr. Forness reading Newsweek magazine while being the Study Hall "monitor." His interest in that publication captured my attention and that's when I also started reading it). 

Thank you, Beth, for sending this list along to us. If any of the rest of you have items of interest from our school years, please send pictures of copies of them along, to Diane, Larry or me. Submitted by Barb (Sheppard) Lang and posted by der Blogmeister LG.

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