Monday, May 10, 2010

Sub-committee meeting held in Fargo

Diane (Sauer) Hughes, VH61, of Phoenix, AZ, and yours truly held a Hiliners61 sub-committee meeting at Babb's Coffee House in Fargo on May 7th. We spent over two hours in discussion and memories. If this kind of get-together is any indication, the Class of '61 visits at both the Chautauqua Park Pavillion on July 9th and at the President's House on the VCSU campus during the All60s Reunion will be a lot of fun and very memorable. Great to see you again, Diane! - Larry Gauper, blogmeister, VH61, Fargo, ND - Click on picture for larger image


Diane Sauer Hughes said...

Larry is a very entertaining guy -- and the coffee was good on that cold, rainy day! Great start to the reunion. See you all in July.

barbsheppard lang VCHS61 said...

Really nice picture of both of you . . . and I just had to smile when I saw the picture, as Babbs Coffee House in Jamestown has the same blue tablecloths . . . .it startled me for a second. Glad that the two of you were able to reconnect - and I have noticed that you haven't reported yet on exactly what business you took care of on behalf of the planning committee. :-)

Diane Sauer Hughes said...

I think Larry will be sending you the "minutes" of the meeting, Barb, along with our "expense report"!

barbsheppard said...

Oh very funny. I don't think you two constitute a quorum, therefore your expenses will not be approved for reimbursement! But it would be fun to get some "minutes". I can only imagine your digressions from the "agenda".

Larry Gauper said...

Being a secretary wasn't present, I'll make an attempt, Barb, to pull my notes together


Larry arrived first and when Diane arrived, Larry said "Hi!" Diane did same. A polite and respectable hug happened.

Larry said he would pay because the "Chief," Barb, would probably reimburse him. Larry (known by his friends as Jack Benny) asked as to why Diane picked such an "expensive" coffee house and Diane answered with a shrug and a pained expression. She ordered tea.

Catch-up time on all that's happened in two lives since 1961. There was very little gossip about our classmates.

Larry moved that we provide an open host bar and free beer all around at the Pavilion get-together. This motion failed for lack of a second.

5. Diane moved we adjourn. This was seconded by Larry. All in favor say, "aye." The ayes had it and so did we (after two hours of nonstop but very intersting conversation).

This will be held at the President's House on the VCSU campus on July 10.

Respectfully and very accurately submitted,

Yo..Chief, will that do so I can submit my expense report?

On my way back home, a robber stopped me and demanded my money. "Your money or your life!" shouted the robber. I didn't say anything. He yelled it again, "Your money or your LIFE!" I told him: "Wait a minute, I'm thinking it over." (A very old Jack Benny scene).

Diane Sauer Hughes said...


Gauper mileage home/Babbs 10 mi. x .50 = 5.00
Hughes milease Tempe/Fargo plus luggage =455.00
Coffee for both (paid by Larry) = 7.56
Meeting costs (2 peoplex 2 hrs. x $50/hr =200.00
Paper & pencils/miscellaneous supplies = .73
Minutes Preparation 3 hrs x $50/hr =150.00


A bargain at half the cost! Makes me
feel like a member of Congress.

barbsheppard said...

OK, you win. After a great deal of consideration, I will authorize Doug to reimburse you two for your expenses. I have never seen such high quality minutes, and for sure I have never seen such a detailed and thorough expense report!
You know, if members of Congress spent quality time like you two did, we would really get some things accomplished for our country.
I suggest you two join the Tea Party and get yourselves elected in November! I think you would win even if you had to conduct a write-in campaign. :-)

Larry Gauper said...

Thanks, DIANE, am SO glad you kept detailed records! Those figures seem sensible to me. What a bargain you indicated on the "hourly rate" for our services. Thanks, BARB, between Diane's details and my play-by-play report, am glad you saw the light! Whadya say, Diane, we donate the entire $818.29 back to the Hiliners61 treasurer. Doug can count it as a contribution. This means he won't have to pay it and just keep it in the Treasury. Hope others follow our example of unselfish generosity to the cause! :-)

Colleen said...

You two are way too clever. You make life fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diane Sauer Hughes said...

Hey, I'm a generous soul. My goal in life has always been to give money away. So, I agree. Doug, consider the entire $818.29 as a donation to Hiliners61 -- can't think of a better cause.

Diane Sauer Hughes said...

P.S. Doug -- I really agreed to make this donation because Larry publically "twisted my arm." Otherwise, I trust we could have negotiated a settlement. I sense that I SHOULD have been a politician!!

Ron Morsch said...

I think we should hold hearings on this expense report. It's obvious that Larry is holding a ballpoint pen, undoubtedly personnel property, and Diane clearly cited an expense for pencils. Coupled with the expenses for 3 hours to write up a two hour meeting; there is something Washigtonian afoot here. How can we be sure you two are not of that ilk?

Larry Gauper said...

Yo, Diane and Ron - golleee.."twisting your arm" wouldn't be considered harassment would it, Dee? Hmmm..hey, Ron, your procurement experience in the military seems to be serving you here. Since you stopping watching those guys in the Pentagon, I think SecDef Gates has been having budget problems with the contractors. I wonder if we have a classmate who might be able to assist Ron with an audit of Diane's report? I know we had lots of audits - they still do, as we speak - at my former employer.