Saturday, June 26, 2010

Remember Buster Brown Shoes at Steven's?

During our childhood in Valley City, many of tuned in every Saturday morning to the radio version of Buster Brown Comics, remember?  Click on ad for larger image, use back-arrow button to return. Because KOVC was a member of the Mutual Broadcasting System, we had to tune-in WDAY from Fargo as that station was the NBC affiliate in the area. The announcer in the ad, throughtfully supplied by Bonnie (Cink) Ness VH '65), now of the San Francisco Bay area, is "Smilin'" Ed McConnell, a network personality. He visited with "Froggy, the Gremlin" and other Buster Brown characters brought to life in sound. One of McConnell's most familiar lines was: "Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy!"

Steven's Shoes was the exclusive local dealer for the Buster Brown brand and I remember insisting on a pair because of the radio program. Anyone else have any memories of Buster Brown on the radio, Steven's Shoes, or any other radio program memories? Please share!  -Larry, der Blogmeister


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, do I EVER have memories of that shoe store. I was blessed with flat feet plus they were extremely narrow, so I had to wear those awful brown tie-up oxfords all the time, while YOU GUYS were buying saddle shoes, slip ons and the like. I probably used the x-ray machine there a hundred times - amazing that I don't have cancer of the feet by now.

Beth Anderson, VCHS Class of '61 said...

I visited with Helen Foss (owner) at a wedding last week, and she would be happy to know that Steven's has come up in our conversations. I can picture the store so well, the x-ray machine, and thinking that we were doing such good things for our feet. Who ever measures anymore, just try on the shoes! And when we entered the store, we were not "Anonymous" in Valley City! It was great.