Sunday, March 6, 2011

Countdown to Graduation

Thanks to Diane (Sauer) Hughes for compiling the following items from her collection of Hi-Liner Herald’s that she has faithfully preserved for the last 50 years. While the words are still legible we are unable to post most of the photos that accompanied the articles. If you have a photo(s) of these activities we would appreciate if you would scan them and forwarding them to us as a jpeg file.

From the Hi-Liner Herald, April and May 1961:

• DONALD DAWKINS is one of 12 delegates representing North Dakota at the National Science Fair in Kansas City, MO May 10-13. His project, “The Driverless Car” won him recognition at the local, district and state Science Fairs. In addition, Don is the winner of the Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award, which he will receive at graduation.

• VCHS Band Members travel to Brookings, South Dakota, for a concert. They returned to Fargo for the Eastern Class A Music Festival.

• Marilyn Vandestreek chairs the third annual honor roll banquet April 18 in the hot lunch room.

• VCHS Concert Choir participated in the Choir Festival at Shanley High School in Fargo on April 29. Director Larus Thomasson chose “O Rejoice Ye Christians Loudly” and “He Watching Over Israel” to be sung by the choir.

• Delegates from the Hi-Liner Herald editorial and business staff attended the Northern Interscholastic Press Association Convention (NIPA) at UND May 1 and 2. Main feature was a speech by Governor Guy and opportunities for the delegates to interview him. Linda McCrea, editor, participated in a panel; Elaine Pomeroy and Jeanie Hill participated in a feature panel, because of the popularity of their feature articles with the NIPA staff members.

• VCHS Choir presented it annual spring concert May 2 in the City Auditorium. During the program, Nancy Lewellyn and David Johnson soloed during the Negro spiritual “Set Down Servant.” The Girls’ Double Trio (Beth Carlisle, Bonnie Van Enk, Barb Sheppard, Mary Ann Musch, Dawn Maasjo and Sharon Guertin) sang “The River Sings a Song” and Czech folk song, “Waters Ripple and Flow.”

• Dorothy James was named State Cherry Pie Champ at the ND State 4-H Convention. She represented our state at the national contest in Chicago.

• Roger Strom, who played first cornet in the VCHS concert band, directed the Youth Band of the First Lutheran Church. His plans for the future were to study music or dentistry.

• Georgia Stephenson was one of several seniors who took a French class at St. Catherine’s High School this year. (We need some help here on others who took French at St. Catherine’s. We think it may have been Gary Skramstad and Roger Taylor-were there others?)

• The State Golf tourney will be held June 6 in Fargo. The Valley City Hi-Liner Golf team (Jack Paulson, Dick McConn, Bob Neilson, Rudy Hanson and Willard Jantzen) will be represented by four of these athletes. ( Help--Who were the four?)

• For the first time in several years the Hi-Liner track team held real promise in the 1961 State Track and Field Meet that was held at the end of May. Hi-Liners were entered in eight events. Robert Ingstad competed in the 880 relay team, javelin and broad jump. Jerry Busche also competed in the javelin. Dennis Gillund qualified for the competition in the high jump with a four-way tie at the Eastern Division Meet May 18. The relay teams will also compete. Ron Evenson, Gillund, Russ Jacobson and David Johnson –440 relay; Evenson, Ingstad, Jacobson and Johnson – 880 relay; and Busche, Evenson, Gillund and Johnson--the mile relay.

• April 25 four softball teams began competing for top honors every Tuesday and Thursday until school was out. Team captains were Dave Henke, Roy Lang, Lee Sampson and Dave Nelson. (Who won??)

• Senior Awards Day May 16, emceed by Student Council President Doug Peterson, saw fifteen students recognized for character, leadership and service to school, home and community. Those honored were: Larry Gauper, Roy Lang, Doug Peterson, Diane Sauer, Mary Ellen Koch, Kay Holcomb, Georgia Stephenson, Jerry Busche, Mary Beth Torguson, Dawn Maasjo, Jim Milman, Nadene Johnson, Roger Strom, and Jean Hill.

• There was a one-act play “The Prettiest Girl in Town.” (We don’t know if it was in the Mar-May time frame. We need some help on dates and cast members) We do know “Old Doc” the big 3-act play was in the fall of our senior year.

• Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom, Saturday, May 6. Banquet at 6:30 at City Auditorium; Prom at the HS Gym at 9 p.m. Theme: Buttons and Bows

o Menu: fruit cut, baked ham with raisin sauce, baked potatoes with sour cream or drawn butter, glazed sweet potatoes, relish tray, rolls/jelly/pickles, ice cream and cookies, coffee and milk.

o Program: Invocation-Richard Burton; Welcome-Rudy Hanson; Response-Diane Sauer; Vocal solo-Dawn Maasjo; Speech-Mr. A. J. Greffenius; Master of Ceremonies-Mark Meske

• Students were reminded that in the coming school year Levis would not be allowed as appropriate wearing apparel.


o Baccalaureate, Sunday, May 28, 8 p.m., City Auditorium, with Reverend J. Ralph McNeil of the Epworth Methodist Church delivering the message and the concert choir singing.

o Senior Breakfast, Wednesday, May 31, 7:30 a.m., City Auditorium

o Graduation, Thursday, June 1, 8 p.m., City Auditorium

o Eight classmates spoke during the candelight ceremony: Barb Sheppard, Rhea DeLaBarre, Dawn Massjo, Barbara Sunde, Diane Sauer, Larry Gauper, John Paulson, and Bob Miller.

o Linda McCrea provided background music andplayed the processional and recessional.

o Gladys Van Bruggen sang “For the Beauty of the Earth.”

o A brass sextet (Dave Johnson, baritone; Ross Noeske, bass; Dennis Gillund and Bob Nielson, trombones; Colleen Bryngelson and Roger Strom , cornets) played “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and “This Is My Father’s World.”

o The “Halls of Ivy” was sung by the concert choir. Listen here to a rendition by the UW- Platteville Singing Pioneers.

• Rhea DeLaBarre and Barb Sheppard, both with an average of 3.92 for the four years of study, were named Co-Valedictorians for the Class of 1961

And then we went our separate ways, spread across the country, each seeking their own niche among the raindrops that form the Thunderstorm of Life.

Please keep sending your contributions, scans, photo, etc., to Ron ( and/or Diane (Sauer) Hughes ( RLM 3-06-11


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories. It is hard to believe that 50 years ago at this time, all of the things mentioned were in the planning stages. It is wonderful that you saved all of this. I even let Barb read this and we look at each other and cannot believe that so many years have passed. Of course, I look in the mirror and reality sets in; time has passed.
Proud member of the class of 61

Dennis Gillund

Barb Lang, VCHS 61 said...

I want to add my thanks -- these are memories I have not brought to mind in 50 years! I've now got to figure out a way to find the words to the Hallowed Halls of Ivy -- I can pretty much recall the tune, but not all of the words, and it is driving me crazy. I always loved that particular song, but it's been so long since I've thought about it that the memory is fuzzy.
Thanks for looking all of this information up for your classmates, Diane.

Roger Taylor said...

Relative to the identity of those who took French at St. Catherine HS at 7:30 AM our senior year (1960-1961), my recollection is that in addition to Georgia and myself those included Barbara Sheppard, Beth Carlisle, Jerry Busche, and Jack Paulson. I believe these were the six in that class which was the minimum required for the course to be conducted. I don't remember Gary Skramstad being in that class although I suppose he might have been (memories fade all too quickly; or, at least, mine does).

barbsheppard lang said...

If Roger remembers that I attended 2nd year French, and Beth thinks I did, (and I've e-mailed Georgia) I guess I did it. Why don't I remember? Wish my mom hadn't thrown away all my report cards---- talk about a SENIOR MOMENT.

barbsheppardlang said...

Whew! I've heard from Georgia, and she says there were FIVE in the class: Georgia, Beth, Jack, Jerry and Roger.
She says I definitely was NOT in the class, so I have a reprieve from thinking Alzheimers is in my near future. :-)
Also, Ron Morsch sent me a link to a choir signing "Halls of Ivy" so I recall the words and melody now.
I'm a happy camper!

Beth Anderson, VCHS Class of '61 said...

I enjoyed the French class and went on to get a minor in college, though I have forgotten almost all of it by now! Our choir got to sing "The Halls of Ivy" at each graduation, including our own, and I loved hearing the song again. Yes, we thought the halls of VCHS were pretty special, and 50 years later I still think they were. High school is so important for everyone. Thank you, Ron!