Sunday, July 10, 2022


 During the 61st Reunion of the Class of 1961 at Valley City (ND) High School, we  honored the 19 living military veterans from our class. Ron Morsch, now of Dillion, Colorado, identified our living Vets and Maureen "Mo" Petersen Young who now calls Evansville, Wyoming, her home, gathered together a team of quilters to make a quilt for each and every one of our veterans still living. As you may have read in Diane (Sauer) Hughes's excellent 31-page newsletter recapping our reunion on June 17-18, 2022, Veterans quilts were presented to each of those in attendance and the remainder have been mailed to those who could not attend our gathering. I put together a video that also honors our quilt recipient Veterans and summarizes how this amazing project was conceived and completed. The video will be permanently available in the Newsletter Archive, or you can view it by simply clicking here.

The Clsss of 1961 also posthumously honors eight of our classmates who were also military veterans. Names are followed by each year of passing: Bob Anderson - 2005, David Henke, 2013, Dave Nelson - 2000, Lyle Pedersen - 2014, Elvin Schlotman 1998, Harley Schmidt -2000,  Jerry Viseth - 2006, James Walker - 2018  - The Class of 1961 salutes these eight classmates who served in the military after graduation. May God bless their memories both as our classmates and as military veterans. 

Thanks to Ron, Mo, Diane, for their work in honoring our Vets and our Class of '61 Organizing Chair,
Barb (Sheppard) Lang for her leadership in organizing and staging one terrific and memorable reunion!   Larry Gauper, your Blogmeister, posted on 7-10-2022



And a HUGE THANK YOU TO LARRY for his professional production of this video, for the blog and for classmate video interviews! Larry is the best!

by Larry Gauper said...

My video production work on this was indeed the classic "labor of respect and admiration." I appreciate the service of all veterans, but, in this, case I pay special tribute to our Class of 61 Veterans. Thanks, guys!

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate you paying respect to our deceased veterans also. Just to clarify Harley passed away in 2000 and Dave Nelson in 2018. Enjoy our reunion in June.