Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1958 Radio Guild "on the air!"

Some of us in the Class of 1961 joined Radio Guild as freshman and the above 1957 photo and the following text is from the 1958 Sheyenne yearbook: "Shown thirty seconds before "on the air" are these members of Radio Guild: (L-R) Scott Stromme, Myrna Johnson, Janna Rae Zaun, Jean Hill and Mrs. Marlys Langemo, Adviser (both at the piano), Linda Bergman, Gary Skramstad, and Larry Gauper.

Blogmeister's note: It was from that desk with the table microphone on it, following a Radio Guild broadast the next year (1958), that KOVC announcer Lyle Peterson asked me to be a "guest disc jockey" on his program. After that trial run, the late Bob Ingstad, Sr., hired me as a KOVC staff announcer and DJ at $1 a hour. This was my first job in a 51-year career in broadcasting and corporate communications. I have Radio Guild, Valley High, the late Mrs. Langemo and KOVC's Lyle Peterson, Glenn Olson and, of course, Mr. Ingstad, to thank for some very valuable and practical vocational training in skills I still use today.

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