Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Firetruck Kids, remembering our childhood

Thanks to Jerry Busche, VH61, now of Jacksonville, Florida, for sending along the photo below from our childhood. Jerry writes: "Remember the annual all-school Fire Safety activities we had with Fire Chief Ken Raveling? Maybe you can find yourself in this posed firetruck photo from around 1952 or '53.

Jerry sent along these captions, some names are missing (can anyone help ID the question marks?) and we may not have all of the names spelled right. Will correct as we go along, but wanted to get this larger image and caption loaded.

(L-R) from bottom or "front" row, going UP to the to the top row:

1. Ken Soroos - 2. Rita Hill - 3. Cheryl Thvedt - 4. Nita Evenson - 5. ? - 6. Ron or Bob Brovold - 7. Tom Stine - 8. John Steidl 9. ? - 10. Bruce Redmond - 11. Tony Gervino - 12. Tubby Ertelt - 13. ? 14. Diane Gessner? - 15. Carole Voorhees - 16. Sharon Colville - 17. Susan Clark? - 18. Vernyce Benson - 19. Marybeth Torguson - 20. Doug Peterson - 21. Jim McKay - 22. Enno Limvere - 23. Mark Meske - 24. ? - 25. ? - 26. ? - 27. Mike Morrissey - 28. ? - 29. ? - 30. ? - 31. Dennis Boom? - 32. Rick Luessen - 33. Jim Ott - 34. Bob Nielsen - 35. ? - 36. ? - 37. Tim Lorenz - 38. Bob or Wayne Toring? - 39. George Gratz - 40. Ron Marshall - 41. Larry Gauper - 42. Ron Phillips - 43. Roger Taylor - 44. Jerry Busche.

To see a larger image, simply click on the photo.  Appreciate your sending this along, Jerry!


George Gratz said...

At the risk of being all wrong I'm taking a shot at identifying a few people in this photo. As I look at the photo I wonder if it was taken as part of a school function or if it was related to a city wide fire safety function.
On the second row from the top going left to right I think the first person is Tim lorenz and I think that is me (George Gratz) just to the right of Tim. The person sitting on the right fender of the truck appears to me to be Doug Peterson. Sitting on the left running board of the truck are two boys. I think the 2nd boy in from the left on the runing board is Tom Stine, and I think the boy standing next to Tom Stine is John Steidl. I recognize the boy sitting on the front bumper but I can't come up with a name.

Sorry if I'm wrong but it was worth a try.

Larry Gauper said...

Thanks, may be right on these. If anybody has any further IDs, corrections or clarifications, please post 'em like George just did. Appreciate the comments and input! - der Blogmeister.

George Gratz said...

I think number 27 could be Mike Morrissey?