Thursday, April 22, 2010

State Student Council Committee, 1960

From the Hiliner Herald, Wednesday, October 19, 1960: "A few of the various committee chairmen of the coming State Student Council Convention. (Blogmeister's note: the term chairmen is used when the subjects are all females, and good looking ones at that!) Standing (L-R) are Barbara Sheppard, Dawn Maasjo, Kay Holcomb, and Marilyn Vandestreek. Seated (L-R) are Diane Sauer, Marybeth Torguson, LouVay Ruemler, and Sandra Voorhees." Thanks to Judge John "Jack" Paulson for sending me a stack of Hiliner Heralds. I scanned the above photo from one of those issues. --LG

1 comment:

Barb Sheppard Lang VCHS 61 said...

Thank you, Jack, for sharing those newspapers with Larry. Sorry to say that not one of them made it through my mother's "cleaning out" habits during my 22 years in Texas. When I finally realized that some of my high school/college treasures would be worth having, they had mostly disappeared. (I still haven't fully recovered from that shock!)
It's really fun to see the old photos and to dust off old, forgotten memories.