Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Dress code," 1961

From April, 28, 1961 Hi-Liner Herald
Click on drawing for larger image.


dennis gillund 61 said...

Did we have a dress up day once a month where we could not wear our normal everyday clothes. Barb and I seem to remember a dress up day on certain Fridays. We cannot remember why.

Larry Gauper said...

I think you and Barb are right, Dennis. I also recall a "dress-up day." But, hey, our "normal clothes" were several cuts above some of the stuff you see today, not only in schools but offices. We had "casual days" in the company and they were all the rage with some of the younger people. As for me, I never felt right going to work without a dress shirt and tie. And some of the new hires that dressed like they came to work not loaf stood out from the pack, in a very positive way. When I speak to college kids now and then, I mention that. I also tell them: when you're lucky enough to get that first job, make yourself useful. Useful people are always needed and the very last to go in one of those "right-sizing" exercises.

Colleen said...

You and Barb were right. We did have a dress-up day once a month, I think. Remember that the boys had to wear belts-no pants without belts. Girls had to wear dresses or skirts but were not allowed to wear slacks. The only time I can remember that we could wear slacks was when we were leaving on some kind of outing right after school. Possibly a band trip. Things are really diferent today.