Sunday, May 9, 2010

Freshman science class in the fall of '57

In September, 1957, when this photo appeared in the Hi-Liner Herald, those of us in the class of 1961 at Valley High were experiencing our first General Science class taught by the late Earl Kruschwitz, soon to become one of our favorite high school instructors. The Herald's caption stated: "Someone has said 'That will the day when there will be standing room only in our high school classrooms.' Such conditions existed at the beginning of the school term as is shown in the above picture." Although the photo is a bit blurry, if you look carefully enough, you can see a number of us 61ers, both sitting and standing. Click on the picture for larger image.

1 comment:

barbsheppard said...

Mr. Kruschwitz was an excellent teacher, even being kind to those of us for whom the sciences were difficult. I was lucky enough to know him also as Mary Vae's father, and he was great in that role as well. I can recall him trying to talk me into trying lutefisk at their home one Sunday noontime. I do believe I stuck with the vegetables. Their whole family would stay at our house on 6th St. - the former barn that became a duplex - during floods along the Sheyenne. Their home always flooded, as it was in the college area.