Thursday, December 22, 2022

New photo from Dorothy Sorenson Puklich!

When your Hiliners61 Communications Committee came up with idea of doing Classmate Interviews during COVID isolation in 2020, our first interview subject was classmate Dorothy Sorenson Puklich (pictured above) of Bismarck, where her daughter owns and run the Puklich Chevrolet dealership. Because this was the first in our series of what grew into 17 classmate interviews, we were learning to do this project technically when we did this first interview. I was in Fargo; Dorothy was in Bismarck and we conversed via Microsoft's Skype service. After this first chat, we went to the Zoom service, which has a few more options for me as interviewer and editor. And we've used Zoom ever since.  

Dorothy did an exemplary job with her end of the interview, and we thank her for her cooperation. We also thank Dorothy for the suggestion she gave for her's and future interviews. She asked me to aak each classmate what their first memory in life was. I proceeded to do that, but I didn't ask everybody, I missed a few. Good intentions, bad memory. Many, though, had fun with the question.

By the way, we are still doing interviews so if you're willing to be a participant via Zoom, please contact out excellent and friendly leader Barb (Sheppard) Lang at

Thanks, Dorothy, for this recent photo and your willingness to be our "pioneer" subject in the interview project. God bless you and your family and have a Merry Christmas and a healthy 2023!  To view Dorothy's interview, go to the Classmate Interviews section on the right side of your screen or simply click here.      Larry Gauper 12-22-2022

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