Thursday, March 30, 2023

New newsletter feature: Hiliners61 "On the Road" Travelogue

This is a new Hiliners61 Newsletter feature. Classmates are invited to send us a photo or two - with caption - showing where they've been lately. Maybe it's just a short trip near where they live to our Newsletter Editor, Diane (Sauer) Hughes, and she'll publish them in her next classmate newsletter. Newsletters are sent out via email. If you aren't receiving these excellent publications, let Diane know your email address.  Diane's email address is We'd love to see the area around where you live or, as with Dave's photos, where you've been lately!

While she especially likes to see photos with classmates in the picture, it is not required. Diane shows us a couple examples of her photos, below, with informational captions. She writes:  "On a beautiful March Sunday, my daughter and I took a day trip to witness the beauty of poppies in the desert around Phoenix. They are particularly spectacular this year after our extra-rainy winter. Desert poppies are not true poppies. They have seeds which dry out, break open, and fall to the ground until brought to life the following year. If the seeds are buried deeply, some species of poppies can lie dormant for up to 100 years. For instance, World War I trenching, bombing, etc. caused the ground to be disturbed and brought poppy seeds into the light creating beautiful poppy beds among the horrors of war." Photos below by Diane (Sauer) Hughes.

                ,                                                                   Near Wickenburg, northwest of Phoenix

 Along the Bush Highway near Apache Lake northeast of Phoenix

A couple examples of photos with classmates, from Dave Johnson, are shown below:

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