Thanks to diligent and excellent work, once again, by Diane (Sauer) Hughes, the December 2024 newsletter is now posted in our Newsletter Archive, a link to which is located on the right side of this screen. Diane covers a number of subjects, from classmate travel to recent deaths. If you scroll down and look over our Remembrance List, we sadly note our class has experienced four deaths during this year, 2024. If you want to go to the current Hiliners61 Newsletter directly, click here.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Thursday, June 29, 2023
This blog is now an ARCHIVE, with a few update exceptions
It was just over 15 years ago, during my first year of retirement from a career in corporate communications, that I bought a "Dummies" book on blogging. Setting up a blog was the latest new rage in using the Worldwide Web as a communication tool. The book showed me how to create this blog, Hiliners61, as a way of encouraging attendance at our celebration of the 50th year since the Class of 1961 graduated from Valley City High School. We would reach that milestone in 2011, but because of an "All-60's Reunion" being conducted in 2010, we celebrated our anniversary a year early, an event put together through a lot of hard work by our Organizing Chair, Barb (Sheppard) Lang and her committee. She has continued to organize celebrations at various milestone points and the "Lunch Bunch" luncheons over the past 15 years. Thanks, Barb!
We've found that Diane (Sauer) Hughes's newsletter works best for communication with our remaining classmates. So many have passed on - God bless their memories. As those of you who are on our Hiliners61 email list know, the newsletter is sent out via a PDF document to our entire email roster and Barb generously has those PDF's printed, mailing them to those without email. She continues to do this at her own expense, and we thank her for that service plus the donating of the costs involved.
WITH SOME EXCEPTIONS, NEW ITEMS WILL NOT BE POSTED ON THE BLOG. Exceptions to that "rule of thumb" will be the adding of new Classmate Interviews, updating the Remembrance List on the right side of the screen and the posting of the latest edition of Diane's newsletter. We'll continue those items for the foreseeable future. Beyond that, all new photos, announcements of events, etc. will be communicated to all classmates with email addresses through the newsletter, via PDF and printed copies will be mailed by Barb to those without email addresses.
The Class Roster will be maintained, as it currently is, by classmate Ron Morsch. and the roster includes a list of deaths. Updates will continue to be emailed with the newsletter and printed copies will be sent to those without email addresses.
As Bobby Zimmerman, a.k.a. Bob Dylan, once wrote and sang, The Times They Are a-Changin' and that's certainly true for our aging Class of 1961. Through the changes I've reported here, it is hoped your Communications Committee can help hold us together throughout our ninth decade. - Larry Gauper, Blogmeister, 6-29-2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Photos from Pizza Ranch gathering will be in the Hiliners61 Newsletter
Selected photos from the 15 I shot at the Pizza Ranch gathering of 61ers on June 17, 2023, will appear in the Hiliners61 newsletter to be published by Diane (Sauer) Hughes sometime in the near future. A new focus on the newsletter, sent as a PDF to all those on Diane's email list and printed and mailed to those without email by Barb (Sheppard) Lang, will be where you will see photos and other current items of interest by and about the Class of 61. Major changes to our fifteen year-old blog will be announced soon as we move past our 80th birthdays and as we go forth into the future. - Larry Gauper 6-20-2023
Thursday, June 1, 2023
YellowBird stops for a visit at Panera Bread!
Our traveling 61er in his YellowBird Mustang joined Tom and me for our regular Wednesday morning coffee at Panera Bread in Fargo on May 31, 2023. Panera manager Nancy kindly shot this photo of her three happy customers. It was great that Dave took the time to stop by. We had a talkative visit for over two hours. That's when I had to leave but Tom and Dave continued chatting, for how long I don't know. There were so many interesting topics and classmates to visit about! If you're ever in the Fargo area, please join us for coffee at Panera - excellent coffee and an ideal place to visit. As Dave did, give us a call or email to make sure we're not on an off date (seldom but it happens). Thanks for stopping, Dave!
As I departed our gab fest, I caught this photo of Dave's YellowBird Mustang parked at Panera in Fargo. Not sure where he's headed from here so keep reporting, Dave. Fun to keep track of you and your many visits with classmates all over the USA! - LG 6-1-2023Friday, May 26, 2023
'61 Lunch Bunch goes to school in Nome, North Dakota!
Click on picture for larger image.
Front row, left to right: Colleen Bryngelson
Zick, Mary Ann Musch Gamrath,
Jan Zaun Arneson, Barb Sheppard Lang and LouVay
Ruemler White.
Back row, left to right: Cheryll
and Barry Borg, Charlie Zick,
Claire and Gary Swenson, Janna Zaun, Dave
Johnson, Gerry Gamrath, Dave Maasjo,
Doug and Judy Peterson and Tom Kahler.
Thanks to Tom Kahler for the photo and Barb (Sheppard) Lang for the caption and for a picture of the plaque indicating the establishment date of this historic schoolhouse (shown below):
Two classmates meet for lunch in South Carolina!
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
April, 2023 classmate newsletter posted!
This blog has posted Diane (Sauer) Hughes's April 2023, Hiliners61 Classmate Newsletter and she has emailed a PDF copy to all those on her "classmate email list." Barb (Sheppard) Lang, our Organizing Chair, will be mailing printed copies to those without email. Accompanying the newsletter is the latest edition of Ron Morsch's Hiliner61 Roster. Thanks to Diane for her energetic work on the newsletter; thanks Ron for his diligence in keeping our roster up-to-date; and many of our gang without email appreciate Barb's efforts in personally printing and mailing these documents to those without access to email.
PDF copies of all of Diane's newsletters along with the current edition, are available in the NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE located on the list on the right side of this blog. Or, for the latest edition, simply click here. (Posted by LG 5-9-2023)
Friday, April 28, 2023
Lunch Bunch gathers in Valley City!
Friday, April 21, 2023
'61 classmate Gary Triebold passes away
The obituary provides details on his high education and his career as a Registered Pharmacist. He is a graduate of the NDSU College of Pharmacy. To read Gary's obituary, click here. Arrangements are by the Lerud-Schuldt-Mathias Funeral Home of Valley City.
Condolences to Gary's family - he was a classmate we will always remember for his enthusiastic attitude and cheerful smile. May God bless the memory of Gary Triebold, Class of 1961, Valley City High School. Posted by Larry Gauper 4-21-20
Thursday, March 30, 2023
New newsletter feature: Hiliners61 "On the Road" Travelogue
This is a new Hiliners61 Newsletter feature. Classmates are invited to send us a photo or two - with caption - showing where they've been lately. Maybe it's just a short trip near where they live to our Newsletter Editor, Diane (Sauer) Hughes, and she'll publish them in her next classmate newsletter. Newsletters are sent out via email. If you aren't receiving these excellent publications, let Diane know your email address. Diane's email address is We'd love to see the area around where you live or, as with Dave's photos, where you've been lately!
While she especially likes to see photos with classmates in the picture, it is not required. Diane shows us a couple examples of her photos, below, with informational captions. She writes: "On a beautiful March Sunday, my daughter and I took a day trip to witness the beauty of poppies in the desert around Phoenix. They are particularly spectacular this year after our extra-rainy winter. Desert poppies are not true poppies. They have seeds which dry out, break open, and fall to the ground until brought to life the following year. If the seeds are buried deeply, some species of poppies can lie dormant for up to 100 years. For instance, World War I trenching, bombing, etc. caused the ground to be disturbed and brought poppy seeds into the light creating beautiful poppy beds among the horrors of war." Photos below by Diane (Sauer) Hughes.
, Near Wickenburg, northwest of Phoenix
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Latest photo from Travelin' Dave!
Saturday, March 25, 2023
Bonnie (Cruff) Burchill passes away
Obituary | Bonnie L. Burchill of Valley City, North Dakota | Lerud-Schuldt-Mathias Funeral Home (
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
On the road again with Dave Johnson!
As Willie Nelson sings (and Dave does):
Friday, March 17, 2023
Winter edition of Newsletter posted
Our diligent and hard-working newsletter editor, Diane (Sauer) Hughes, just published the latest edition of our Hiliners61 classmate newsletter. It's the "winter edition 2023" edition and, if you didn't receive your copy via email, you can access it in the Newsletter Archive section in the list on the right side of your screen. All of Diane's excellent newsletters are archived there. By the way, if you aren't receiving these newsletters in your email inbox, please let Diane know. Contact her at
Diane does a fine job of covering this "winter" we can't seem to get rid of. March is here and those of us in North Dakota and parts of Minnesota have several feet of snowbanks near or around our house. However, the weather has not been at seasonal norms in several parts of the county, as many of you know.
However, as I look at lots of snow in March, I remember that I was born in a blizzard back in 1943. My dad, a Soo Line depot agent at a small town called "Benedict, ND," had to enlist the railroad's "section gang" to shovel a path for the car that was trying to take my mother to the hospital in Minot. That was in the fourth week of March! So, maybe, what we're experiencing is not unprecedented. Does that help? Probably not.
Thanks, Diane, for another great job! And thanks to our always thoughtful Chair, Barb (Sheppard) Lang, for having the newsletter printed and then she mails copies to those without email. What a great service to help keep us all connected!
If you would like to go directly to the PDF of the latest newsletter, click here.
(if we have any in our 1961 class!)
Thursday, December 22, 2022
New photo from Dorothy Sorenson Puklich!
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Visiting Gary Skramstad!
Friday, December 16, 2022
Diane (Sauer) Hughes, editor and publisher of our Hilines61 Classmate Newletter, has just published her latest edition and this issue has been sent out via email to our Hiliners61 "list." If you haven't received or simply want to go back to but can't find your emailed copy, got to the Newsletter Archive on the right side of the blog screen or click here. Thanks, Diane, for another excellent issue! LG 12-26-2022
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Lucky 13 Lunch Bunchers attend Holiday Party!
Dave Johnson, Tom Kahler, LouVay White, Mary Ann & Gerry Gamrath.
Not pictured: Claire Swenson
Thursday, October 13, 2022
As Hiliners61 classmate Colleen (Bryngleson) Zick informed us during our reunion this past summer, Woodbine Cemetery in Valley City needs money for maintenance. As you may know, the cemetery is owned and managed by the Valley City Masonic Lodge #7. Curt Van Dyke and Al Schuldt sent a memo to Colleen informing her of the situation and urged her to pass the word to our class.
The memo she received reported: "The spring of this year (2022) has certainly been a challenge. The wet environment has prevented us from getting the cemetery in the shape it deserves. We continue to work on it and are gaining ground in between rain events.
"The perpetual care funds allow the interest to be used for upkeep of the cemetery. But with the recent interest rate environment, money the funds earned has been really stretched." According to the memo from Curt and Al:
Money you would donate will be used for:
1. Tree Trimming
2. Tree removal
3. Road resets
4 Other maintenance and improvement work the cemetery continually needs
If you'd like to talk to those involved in Woodbine Cemetery management contact:
Curt VanDyke
Cell: 701-490-0340
Allen Schultz
Cell: 701-840-0326
Please make your check payable to "Woodbine Cemetery" in any amount, specifying "for maintenance" and send your donation to:
Woodbine Cemetery
P. O. Box 144
Valley City, ND 58072
If you want monument installation or re-set work done, contact Dakota Monuments in Fargo They do cemetery work all over the state, particularly in the East and at Woodbine in Valley City. For monument work, call Dakota Monuments first and they will work with Woodbine Cemetery to re-set your family's monument or whatever work you want done.
Dakota Monuments Company
1212 4th Avenue S.
Fargo, ND 58103
701-237-4343 - ask for Tyler, or any their staff will help you
If you'd like more information on this, contact our classmate Colleen in Grand Forks at 701-330-6276. This information is repeated on a special page accessible in the list on the right side of your screen.
(Posted by Larry Gauper 9-13-2022)
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Capt. John Manstrom remembers 9-11-2001
Each September for the last 21 years (as of 2022), we remember those who lost their lives in the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, in that Pennsylvania field and at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. I've always wondered what our two Hiliners61 classmates were doing on that morning when they were confronted with the news. Although Capt. Roy Lang retired in 2000, Capt. John Manstrom was in his Delta cockpit getting ready for a flight to Salt Lake City. He was about to fly the same aircraft type that attacked first the north Tower of the WTC and then the South Tower in New York City. I visited with John regarding what he remembers about one of the worst days in American history. To view my interview with John, click here.
Speaking of aviation, our Hiliners61Organizing Chair, Barb (Sheppard) Lang adds: "My husband, Art Todd, a private pilot, was able to ride in the back seat of an F4 with the Hooligans back in the 1980's when he was a state senator (Capt. Roy Lang was member of the "Hooligans.").
"Art had to have clearance from Washington, DC, then a bunch of training at the air base in Fargo in order to be able to "get out" if necessary, then they flew to the Grand Forks Air Force Base, where he was allowed some "stick time" and do touch and go's . . . then on to Devils Lake where they did some aerobatics! It was about a two hour experience. Art says the pilot was Jim Nelson, who was a Vietnam vet, and had over 100 missions in Vietnam. Art's comment is that the F4 was a very responsive airplane. He loved it, and has the pictures hanging on the wall to prove it!
"He got to take his camera along and was told that if we had to eject for any reason, he had to be sure to get rid of the camera so that it would not be found in the wreckage. Apparently, at that time, the government did not want details of the cockpit floating around. We just looked at his 4x6" pictures again this morning, and Mr. Nelson, the pilot, most definitely looks like a hotshot - a Tom Cruise look-alike!! Wish I had been able to take that ride."
Thanks, Barb, for that bit of history and I deeply appreciate Capt. Manstrom's willingness to share his memories and his thoughts about aviation and pilot training today. - Larry Gauper 9-21-2022
Friday, August 5, 2022
Lee Samson passes away
We sadly report the passing of our VCHS 1961 classmate, Leland "Lee" Samson. He died August 4, 2022. He and his spouse, Carolyn (Eggert) Samson, also a 1961 graduate of VCHS, lived in Fargo, however, the services and burial will be in Valley City. Oliver-Nathan Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.. To view Leland's obituary, click here.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Ruth Bode interview posted!
Thanks to our classmate, Ruth Bode, for participating in our classmate interview project. Hers was the 16th interview we've completed, and she did a fine job!
Along with some interesting memories of ol' Valley High, you'll also learn about Ruthie's life as she shares what she's been doing since high school. She had two children, a son, Thad, and a daughter, Elizabeth. Sadly, Thad passed away in 2000 from a very rare but extremely difficult form of cancer.
Thad earned a degree in photojournalism and advertising from Minnesota State University, Moorhead. He was employed at a Fargo manufacturing company at the time of his passing. Elizabeth is an NDSU industrial engineering graduate and works for a manufacturing firm in Fargo, She makes her home in Fargo, where she lives with her partner, Stacie.
We appreciate Ruthie taking time to be one of our interview subjects and we'd like YOU to be a participant in one of our interviews too. If you're interested, contact our Hiliners61 Organizing Chair, Barb (Sheppard) Lang, at
All of our interviews to date are available in the Classmate Interviews area on the right side of your screen. To hear Ruthie's interview, you may simply click here. Larry Gauper 7-19-2022
Sunday, July 10, 2022
During the 61st Reunion of the Class of 1961 at Valley City (ND) High School, we honored the 19 living military veterans from our class. Ron Morsch, now of Dillion, Colorado, identified our living Vets and Maureen "Mo" Petersen Young who now calls Evansville, Wyoming, her home, gathered together a team of quilters to make a quilt for each and every one of our veterans still living. As you may have read in Diane (Sauer) Hughes's excellent 31-page newsletter recapping our reunion on June 17-18, 2022, Veterans quilts were presented to each of those in attendance and the remainder have been mailed to those who could not attend our gathering. I put together a video that also honors our quilt recipient Veterans and summarizes how this amazing project was conceived and completed. The video will be permanently available in the Newsletter Archive, or you can view it by simply clicking here.
The Clsss of 1961 also posthumously honors eight of our classmates who were also military veterans. Names are followed by each year of passing: Bob Anderson - 2005, David Henke, 2013, Dave Nelson - 2000, Lyle Pedersen - 2014, Elvin Schlotman 1998, Harley Schmidt -2000, Jerry Viseth - 2006, James Walker - 2018 - The Class of 1961 salutes these eight classmates who served in the military after graduation. May God bless their memories both as our classmates and as military veterans.
Thanks to Ron, Mo, Diane, for their work in honoring our Vets and our Class of '61 Organizing Chair, Barb (Sheppard) Lang for her leadership in organizing and staging one terrific and memorable reunion! Larry Gauper, your Blogmeister, posted on 7-10-2022
Saturday, July 2, 2022
From the desk and computer of Diane (Sauer) Hughes in Tempe, Arizona, comes her latest Hiliners61 newsletter and it's packed! Lots of newsy items, people photos, and reporting on all of our 61st reunion events. The file is a bit large so may take a few moments to open and/or download. You can view it online by simply clicking on the file. To download it to your computer: first, open the PDF of the newsletter and then click on the little "arrow" that points downward. Find a place to save it and it's all yours. If this is confusing to you, simply get a hold of your nearest grandchild.
This latest edition is stored, available and viewable from the NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE on the right side of your screen OR simply click here. Thanks, Diane for an outstanding effort once again and you truly outdid yourself with this edition!
I am currently working with Ron Morsch, Mo (Pedersen) Young, our Chair, Barb (Sheppard) Lang, and Diane (Sauer) Hughes in putting together a video tribute to the miliary veterans in the Class of '61. That will be available soon and you will be able to view it through a link on the blog. Stay tuned!
Also coming up just a bit further down the road, another classmate interview! This time with Ruthie Bode. Am in the editing process now, so also stay tuned for this latest contribution to our interview library!
A great time, I believe, was had by all at our 61st reunion on June 17-18,2022. Thanks to Barb and the committee for putting together a wonderful and memorable reunion! LG - 7-2-2022
Sunday, June 26, 2022
A musical tribute to a native North Dakota daughter!
"Oh, what a night!" Of course, that's a Frankie Valli line from the Four Seasons's hit record, December, 1963, but I'm going to apply it to the Peggy Lee Tribute Concert on Friday night, June 17, 2022 at the new Center for the Arts auditorium on the campus of Valley City State University. A good number of our 1961 classmates were on hand for this free concert conducted by band leader and vocalist Myron Sommerfeld and his orchestra along with his daughter, vocalist Bonnie Sommerfeld. Planners for Valley City Rally Days hope to make this Peggy Lee Day tribute an annual event.
Click on picture for larger image
Three '62ers attend Class of '61 reunion
We were pleased and excited to have three members of the VCHS Class of 1962 attend our Class of 1961 reunion in Valley City (ND) June 17-18, 2022:
Along with our fifty 1961 attendees and spouses, it was absolutely terrific to have these three '62ers at our reunion. To learn what Paul's been up to, along with his wife, Thava (who we were also glad to see at the reunion), watch his interview by clicking here.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Classmate cars and classmates on parade!
In the Valley City (ND) Rally Days Parade and Car Show, a number of our classmates provided some cool cars and, to serve as a "float" carrying classmates, a pick-up bearing our Class of 61 signs. Here are a few photos, provided by Denny Gillund and shot by his '62 classmate spouse, Barb (Rome) Gillund. Our thanks go out to Barb for the photography and to Denny for submitting the photos below:
And here's another eye-popper guaranteed to attract girls. It's Dave Johnson's Mustang. He's driving and waving the 61er's flag. John Manstrom, they tell me, is riding inside. Oh, if some of us could have had this kind of vehicle when we were back in high school. Just imagine it, guys!
Thanks for these photos and...we have more photos coming, particularly of the Veteran's tribute held the second night of our reunion after our dinner at the Eagles.
LG - 6-25-2022
Three Amigos from 1961 Hiliner's basketball team
(photo submitted by Gillund, thanks, Denny!)
the photograph below of the entire team!
Monday, June 20, 2022
Strong attendance at Class of 61 reunion!
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Class of 1962 launches blog!
Similiar to what our class, the VCHS Class of 1961 has done, Enno Limvere, blogmeister of the Class of 1962 at VCHS has created a blog and they're adding to it every day. Check it out by going to this address Congratulations to Eno and the '62ers on this new communication project!
Monday, May 2, 2022
VCHS 1962 GRAD does an interview!
This is something new for our Class of '61 blog. We're featuring an interview with a Valley City High School "schoolmate," rather than simply a "classmate." It's Paul Merrett, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Merrett. Paul is a graduate of the VCHS Class of '62 and we're pleased that this boyhood pal of mine consented to have a Zoom conversation with me in April. He visited with me from his home in Las Cruces, New Mexico. How does a Valley City-to-California lad get to New Mexico, with a stop for Uncle Sam in Vietnam?
Well, living and working in California, Paul and his wife, Thava, decided to retire in 2004. They felt they couldn't do it financially in the Golden State with California real estate prices so high. Both being from small towns in the Midwest, they realized they would be more comfortable in a smaller community. They had been reading New Mexico magazine for a long time and decided to check out the towns and available properties there. In the Four Corners area of New Mexico called Aztec, they ended up buying an adobe house on an acre of land and moving there in 2005. They lived there for ten years and then decided to move to Las Cruces in the "banana belt" of New Mexico, and as Paul says, "they moved away from some winters that were almost as harsh as North Dakota. Neither one of us is a fan of snow." - LG 5-2-2022
Registration Form and hotel info go to our Newsletter Archive
on the right side of your screen.
Note: these pdf's may not print unless
Friday, April 29, 2022
14 attend April 28th Lunch Bunch!
It was a good gathering of conversationalists that turned out Thursday, April 28, 2022, for a Hiliners61 Lunch Bunch and pre-reunion planning session at the Valley City Country Club.
Discussion was held regarding the Friday night dinner menu, being coordinated by classmate LouVay (Ruemler) White. It was decided to go with a some pulled pork and some chicken alfredo. The Friday night supper at the Eagles is a ham dinner plus side dishes, served via a buffet.
Barb (Sheppard) Lang led a discussion of us 61ers who wish to participate in the Community Days Parade at approximately 10:00 A.M. Saturday morning. Instead of a float, as was previously used, those who wish to represent our class will ride in open-top cars. Five cars were lined up.
Saturday afternoon is free to do what you came to the reunion for: visiting with classmates. Your blogmeister (that's me, Larry G) previously announced doing my "Early History of Rock-N-Roll" presentation after lunch on Saturday. However, on further thought: I've always advocated keeping planned "events" to a minimum to allow plenty of time for visiting. In scheduling my historical presentation on the origins of the music which formed the soundtrack of our teen years, I was going against what I've long said: reunions should be for re-uniting person-to-person with classmates from our days of yore. We all need plenty of time for these conversations. Hence, you don't have to listen to an ol' geezer like me going on about the records I played on the radio. Thank goodness!
We snapped a couple of very quickly shot photos of the august luncheon participants assembled on Thursday, and they are below: LG - 5-12-2022
(Left to right around the table): Barbara (Rome) Gillund, LouVay (Ruemler) White, Dave Maasjo, Barry Borg, Cheryll Borg, Barb (Sheppard) Lang, Gary Swenson (partial shot), Sandy Meyer Bruns, Tom Kahler (partial shot), Denny Gillund, Dave Johnson.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Reunion registration form now available!
Our Organizing Chair, Barb (Shepard) Lang urges you o complete and send in your registration form for the 60th Anniversary of the graduation of the Valley City High School Class of 1961 to be held in Valley City on June 17-18, 2022. We're holding this in our 61st year from graduation because of the postponement caused by the 2020 pandemic last year. The registration form has all the info you need, fees, etc., and event times and location. To download and print the registration form, click here. Hotel information is available by clicking here. Note: if you're using Google's browser, Chrome, you can print these documents with no problems. However, if you're using Microsoft's Edge browser (relatively new) then you need to download the forms before printing. This is a touch of the Microsoft-Google wars, with the user being the victim.
More information about the reunion is available in Diane (Sauer) Hughes's latest Classmate Newsletter and that's available by clicking here. Diane did another fine job with the edition and it's also available in the Newsletter Archive on the right side of your screen. LG 3-24-2022
Sunday, March 13, 2022
"Denny" Plecity passes away
During these first few months of 2022, we were saddened once again. This time it's learning of the passing of our school days' friend, Dennis Plecity, age 79, Fargo, formerly of Valley City. Dennis went to school with us from kindergarten through our freshman year at Valley City High School. At that time, we believe he transferred to College High. Dennis was known by many of us as "Denny," however his full name was Howard Dennis Plecity. His 1958 Sheyenne Yearbook freshman portrait is below:
Friday, March 4, 2022
Jeralyn (Olson) Behm passes away
Lerud-Mathias Funeral Home
Thursday, February 24, 2022
The Hiliners61 Organizing Committee, met via Zoom on February 24, 2022. The meeting was chaired by Barb (Shepard) Lang and participating were Diane (Sauer) Hughes, LouVay (Ruemler) White, Ron Morsch, and yours truly, Larry Gauper. It was decided to move ahead with our 60th Reunion on June 17-18, 2022. Hotel contact info is available by clicking here. Details and more info will be coming in an emailed newsletter from Diane (Sauer) Hughes and updates will be posted here on the blog. Stay tuned and make your plans now to attend! Barb talks about the reunion in her classmate interview available by clicking here. LG 2-24-22
Friday, December 31, 2021
Virginia Ann (Hoff) Moses passes away
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Dave Johnson is our latest Classmate interview participant!
The Hiliners61 Communications Committee is happy to report that our latest "Classmate Interview" is with Dave Johnson. Dave recounts a very interesting career in business, and shares memories of his days in activities at VCHS, including basketball, football and track. He lettered in all three sports. He'll also tell you about his biggest disappointment in high school and some of the fun he had along the way. Thanks to Dave for participating! And we'd like YOU to participate in an interview too. If you're willing, contact our Organizing Chair, Barb (Sheppard) Lang at Meantime, you'll find Dave's interview along with a dozen others in the Interviews with Classmates archive on the right side of your screen. You can go there to watch our latest interview, #14, or click here. -- Larry Gauper