Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ready for this? Here's us in 1971!

Official 10-year reunion photo of the Valley City High School Class of 1961, courtesy Barb (Sheppard) Lang. Click on picture for larger image. If anyone would be willing to take the time to go through the photo and list the names, row by row, left to right, I'd appreciate it and will add the names as a caption.  Either email me at or add the names to the comments section. Thanks! - der Blogmeister


Diane Sauer Hughes said...

I remember most of the names -- can you help me with the rest? Maiden names used for the ladies.
Back Row 4, LtoR: Ross Noeske, Doug Peterson, Scott Stromme, Roy Lang, Jim Paulson, Dave Johnson, Lyle Pederson, Roger Strom.
Row 3, LtoR: Jim Walker, Dave Nelson, Lynn Anderson, Stanley Orness, Harley Schmidt, Larry Gauper, Gary Swenson, Barry Borg, (Sandy Voorhees or Marlene Miller??), Eileen Quisberg.
Row 2, LtoR: Jim Milman, Leslie Brix, Gerry Offner, Grover Peterson, Roger Taylor, John Manstron, Jerry Busche, Bob Miller, Dennis Guilland, Tom Kahler, Barbara Brown, Mary Ann Musch, Sandi Meyer, Grace Norgaard, Jeralyn Olson, (Mary Jo Phillips?), Susan Van Dyne, Vernyce Benson, Bonnie Cruff, Barbara Wager, Maureen Pedersen.
Front Row 1, LtoR: Ruth Bode, Bob Anderson, Coral Peterson, Dave Maasjo, Rhea De La Barre, Arlie Braunberger, Linda Holm, Jim Lang, Barbara Sheppard, Margaret Peterson, Diane Sauer, Don Dawkins, Dorothy James, Judy Scully, Dorothy Sorenson, Lou Vay Ruemler, Colleen Bryngelson.

Apologies to those mis-identified or for any misspelled names. See you all soon!

Colleen said...

Next to Roy Lang is Jack Paulson and next to Jeralyn is Judy Button I think. I also think that it is Marlene next to Barry Borg. Diane, You have done well!

barbsheppard said...

Colleen, I think you are right! And, if I'm not mistaken, that completes the list. Great job, Diane, and thanks for the final assist, Colleen. I never would have come up with Judy Button's name.